It seems to us here at Provision that our human species is trying to come back into some crucial understanding of the essential importance of clean air and water, good soil, our precious natural world, a resilient social network, and how healthy food and lifestyle are of profound importance.
Provision is experiencing an increase in requests from people wanting to embrace a ‘back to nature’, ‘back to basics’ lifestyle since the start of the pandemic.
The same pandemic makes it much more complicated for us to organize our events and teachings to offer exactly that what people are longing for!
Since 2012 we have been organizing courses around the theme of self-sufficiency. You can also call it together-sufficiency if you prefer because it means people, in co-creation with the pieces of earth and many life-forms that they attend to, working together to create local networks of “food sovereignty” or “food resilience” in which they can barter and trade freely with the work of their hands for life-enrichment.
Become acquainted or reacquainted with skills that, for many of us, have become lost or forgotten. Provision is a place to learn or remember the bases of life: the beauty of reconnecting with ourselves and the world around us with a focus on agroecological living. Learn the art of growing and preserving food, the beautiful experience of purely natural architecture and the joy of keeping livestock happy and healthy.
You already know what it is, and somewhere deep inside, you already know how to do it. It is your birthright. Our ancestors did it because they had to in order to survive. We do it by choice, because we find it beautiful, useful and in good taste!
What is it? Whatever names we give it: sustainable living, subsistence farming, responsible use of resources, “the Good Life,” or self-sufficiency. We find it a decent response to the world as it is today. Our wish is to offer visitors a place where they may be inspired to put some lost, forgotten or new skills into practice. Current research is proving that keeping our hands busy is, literally, an anti-depressant! Here, you can find support for the steps you wish to take toward learning or remembering skills that can bring traditional quality back into your modern life.
Two Options
self-sufficiency course
- Organized for groups of min. 8 persons.
- This is the most dense form to be submerged in the theoretical and practical parts of the self-sufficient lifestyle.
- Guideline to the cost: We work with sliding scale (basic/balanced/community), 280/380/480 EUR pp/week. Food is included, accommodation is not included. Prices may vary.
- Please check our event page for upcoming courses, or contact us min. 3 months in advance in case you would like to plan and come with your own group.
self-sufficiency experience
- This is possible as an individual or as a small group of max. 4 persons.
- You live and work with us at the Provision peasant agroecological farm, and by doing so can live and learn the real experience.
- Guideline to the cost: We work with sliding scale (basic/balanced/community), 150/250/350 EUR pp/week. Food is included, accommodation is not included. Prices may vary.
- Please contact us in case you are interested.
“Our goal is to bring our guests’ learning into ever widening circles: first within tailored classes, then to a hands-on project and then, ultimately, back into the life situation of each visitor”
We support those who chose for a life that is connected to the living world around us, of both the human and more-than-human varieties. Voluntary simplicity is a way of living with great care for the resources we use and leave behind. It often means finding beauty in little things. It means taking care of one’s own basic needs like food and shelter. It means being embedded in a local social, cultural and economic network. In short, it means resilience.