“In the end it comes down to asking ourselves: will we continue to strive to out-compete each other and in the process unravel the thread that all life depends upon? Or will we learn to collaborate in the healing of the whole through regenerative design creating vibrant cultures and thriving communities for all?”

– Daniel Christian Wahl

Regenerative Living

We ask ourselves how we can contribute towards a living and healthy future that works for all. Is a sustainable lifestyle sufficient to counter the massive degenerative (destructive) activities of humankind over the last few thousands of years? We do not think so. That is why we take sustainability a step further to regeneration. With regenerative practices, life is created, not merely sustained at a certain level. Sustainability means being able to keep doing something for ever and ever, it is a midway point between degeneration and regeneration. If we want to restore what has been damaged and bring back the full beauty of life, we will have to regenerate. The regenerative actions we can undertake are numerous.

All events, courses, workshops, retreats, experiential learning activities at Provision are focused around regenerative living. Some of the fields we work with are



Self sufficient living

Peasant agro-ecology

Nonviolent communication 

Grief and Trauma work

Constellation work


The arts 

Lars Veraart – Provision’s main Regeneration Mobiliser

Lars is truly driven to find a way to live in this world that is in line with his values of care for the Earth.  His love of animals large and small brought him through the study of Veterinary Medicine to 15 years work as a veterinarian throughout France.  There he saw the degradation of quality of life – for soil, animals as well as people as the farms where he worked were forced to grow bigger and bigger…

His interest in alternative forms of…everything… led him to Transylvania where he, along with his wife Robyn, founded Provision.  Here he joins a long and distinguished line of doctors who have (re)discovered for themselves the direct line between the health of soil, the health of animals (including humans) and the health of planet Earth.

Besides 15 years of experience as a veterinarian and 12 years as a regenerative peasant, Lars is a by Gaia Education certified designer in sustainability, with a focus on the work with the ‘Map of Regeneration’.

Map of Regeneration

The map of Regeneration, as created by the Global Ecovillage Network (GEN), provides a map of crucial areas of attention when implementing a lifestyle for positive transformation. The map looks at the four domains: the social, ecological, economical and cultural, all within a whole systems approach.

And this is what we aspire to do at Provision: Support, Inspire and Motivate people towards a lifestyle of positive transformation, provisioned with a load of regenerative practices.

Expandable Map of Regeneration