Provision’s mission is to create living and learning opportunities for the health and wellbeing of planet and people.
Provision is a place where we focus on what seems to be of the greatest importance in our times, which is deep care for planet and people, all life, human and non-human.
We are creating living and learning opportunities that contribute to the health and wellbeing of planet and people.
We cannot do our work alone. Your support is therefore very much appreciated! You can make a one time financial donation, or chose to sponsor Provision’s work with a monthly contribution.
One time donation

I want to donate
Donate monthly

5 euro per month

10 euro per month

20 euro per month
Asociatia Provision Transylvania
Alunisu 25, comuna Sancraiu
407516 Cluj, Romania
Bank transfer:
Reference Name: Asociatia Provision Transylvania
IBAN EURO account: RO17BTRLEURCRT0492346201
IBAN RON account: RO67BTRLRONCRT0492346201
Swift/Bic: BTRLRO22XXX
Bank: Banca Transilvania S.A.