Our Mission

To create living and learning opportunities which contribute to health and wellbeing for planet and people.

Our Team

Provision is co-created and supported by many people, local and global. Following below are a few of us …

Lars Veraart

co-founder and Regeneration Mobiliser

Robyn Marie Bors Veraart

 co-founder and NVC mobiliser

Geta Vadan

General Support

Marioara Pascalau

Village Elder

Alexandru Moldovan

NVC trainer

Melinda Vinzce


Attila Szocs

General Support

Oana Mocan


Our Values and Goals

Touch to read Provision’s Values

Touch to read Provision’s Goals

How can I get involved?

Participate in our events

Become a volunteer at the farm, or from a distance

Share our events

Share our news, blogs and newsletters

Share our FB posts and Youtube video’s


read here how 

to give a financial contribution

Legal and Bank information

Provision is a legal non-profit organisation under Romanian law and registered as 


Bank account information:

Reference Name: Asociatia Provision Transylvania

IBAN EURO account: RO17BTRLEURCRT0492346201

IBAN RON account: RO67BTRLRONCRT0492346201

Swift/Bic: BTRLRO22XXX

Bank: Banca Transilvania S.A.