This year’s version of the “Tabără de Communicare Nonviolentă” felt, again, as if we had made another quantum leap into the more beautiful world that we know in our hearts is possible. Along with community organiser and motivator Alexandru Moldovan, Provision has been hosting some version of this camp since… 2018? 2019? At that time we would have a day-long meeting with the NVC community in Cluj and during our get-together we would share a meal and what we were learning that was NVC related…. Over the years, the camp grew from this very informal gathering of friends, to a more organised camp with workshops offered simultaneously by Robyn and Alexandru who had, together in 2019, completed their candidacy and were now certified trainers.
4 days, 4 trainers, 16 workshops, 22 participants, daily delicious vegan meals, countless meaningful encounters
The camps became so well-attended that other organisers beside Alexandru were called in. In the last two years, Stefana Forgatiu has served in this role, and this year she was also offering several trainings as well! This year we also had the pleasure of inviting Ian Peatey, who has recently stepped into an extra official role within the global organisation (The Center for Nonviolent Communication) not only as certified trainer, but also as Assessor.
This brought our training team to Five, including Lars, who for the past several years has been bringing the agroecological perspective to the camp, giving walking tours of the area and teaching nonviolence in terms of bread labor: work that we do with our own hands to contribute to our wellbeing subsistence needs in terms of food, clothing and shelter. It has become a tradition that we offer some time toward doing this kind of work/play together and the feedback we receive is that this is an amazing, somewhat magical process that allows deeper integration of the learning.
This year’s tabără brought a delightful group of souls to Provision, at the moment when the flower gardens were at the height of their splendor, including a special contingent coming all the way from Moldova. All regions of Romania were otherwise represented, and the camp was fully-booked months before it began. There were also people who were interested to come that we had to turn away this time, but who we hope will be able to join us again in 2025 when we intend to offer the next iteration of this gathering since next year’s NVC efforts in this region will be focused upon the upcoming International Intensive Training IIT happening in our neighboring village of Sancraiu…
We are currently putting all of our energies into bringing what we have learned and experienced these last many years toward organising the “Village IIT” in Sancraiu. If you are at all interested in attending this event, we encourage you to Pre-Register ASAP, as places for this event are also limited. And, though the asking price for this event is steep, we also encourage you to ask for financial assistance if needed! We will be meeting in January to begin deciding about these matters, so please do not hesitate to ask for what you need, as it is our intention to make sure that places are given for those who are motivated to learn NVC and to have the kind of “village within a village” experience we have been cultivating together over the last many years.
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